RTP part1

RTP part1


Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP

  • 山崎 哲也

    Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP

    山崎 哲也
    (横浜南共済病院 部長)

  • 和田 卓郎

    Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP

    和田 卓郎
    (小樽済生会病院 院長)

  • 金森 章浩

    Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP

    金森 章浩
    (筑波大学 講師)

  • 倉 秀治

    Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP

    倉 秀治
    (羊ヶ丘病院 院長)

  • 間瀬 泰克

    Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP

    間瀬 泰克
    (八王子スポーツ整形外科 院長)

  • 小林 尚史

    Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP

    小林 尚史
    (KKR北陸病院整形外科 部長)

部位別の最新の整形外科エッセンスを短時間に凝縮してそれぞれのトップドクターに講演していただきます。 肩関節(山崎哲也先生)、手・肘関節(和田卓郎先生)、膝関節(金森章浩先生)、足関節(倉秀治先生)、いずれもこれまで多くのアスリートを診てこられた現在も第一線で活躍しているスーパードクターです。
最先端の知見と今後の展望をお聴きできるものと思います。また各ドクターの考えるReturn to playのためのキーポイントも合わせてご提示いただき、参加者の皆様と一緒に討論したいと思います。

Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP『肩』
山崎哲也 (横浜南共済病院スポーツ整形外科)

山崎 哲也(横浜南共済病院 部長)


Throwing injuries in the shoulder are caused by repetitive load due to the specific motion. The mechanism of pathology is considered to be a failure of the kinematic chain and/or non-physiological joint movement of the scapulo-thoracic and/or gleno-humeral joint resulting in irreversible organic damage. At the time of diagnosis, it is important to evaluate the function of the whole body, and to comprehend the physical findings including not only the shoulder but also the lower extremities and the trunk. For the organic damage, it is determined the localization and degree with various imaging tests, and if necessary, it is confirmed the responsible lesion by block test using a local anesthesia. Its treatment is basically optimal exercise with a physical therapist. However, even if conservative treatment does not affect or if the pain during exercise causes deterioration in sports ability, surgical treatment would be considered.

Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP『手・肘』
済生会小樽病院 和田卓郎

和田 卓郎(済生会小樽病院 院長)


【テニス肘の病態と治療】急性期(発症後3か月以内):病態はECRB起始部の単純な腱付着部炎、あるいは修復可能な腱微小断裂と考えられる。疼痛緩和を目的とする保存治療を行い、腱の自然修復を目指す。亜急性期(3~6か月):疼痛は遷延しているが、組織修復が可能な病期と考えられる。体外衝撃波、platelet rich plasma(PRP)などが治療の選択肢になる。慢性期(6か月~):ECRB起始部は腱断裂、血管増生を伴う瘢痕組織(angiofibroblastic tendinosis)であり、自然修復が困難な状態と考える。関節内病変が合併し、より複雑な病態を呈する。疼痛が強い難治例は手術の適応である。演者らが行う鏡視下手術はECRB起始部の病巣の切除に加え、関節内病変の観察、処置が行える利点がある。

RTP (Return to Play) for hand and elbow disorder-Focusing on tennis elbow

Lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow is a common painful disorder of the upper extremity. Reports cite the incidence among tennis players as 30 to 50%. The pain and weakness of this condition has direct impact on sports performance as well as work and ADL. Pathology of tennis elbow is thought to be enthesopathy of the extensor carpi ulnaris brevis (ECRB). The lecture reviews conservative and surgical management of tennis elbow from the view point of RTP. Acute phase (Within 3 months from onset): The pathology is considered to be inflammation and reparable microrupture of the ECRB tendon. Conservative treatment is indicated aiming pain relief and healing of microtrauma of the tendon. Subacute phase (4 to 6 months from onset): The tendon is considered to be still reparable despite the delay of healing. New modalities such as extracorporeal shock wave, PRP, and TENEX would be indicated. Chronic or recalcitrant phase (over 6 months from onset): The pathology is considered to be unreparable scar tissue called angiofibroblastic tendinosis. Intra-articular lesion may be involved. Open or arthroscopic surgery is indicated. Either conservative and surgical management of tennis elbow present favorable results. However, there is a trend toward prolonged motion pain. It is important to make an intimate communication with patients and provide the best rehabilitation program.

Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP『膝』
金森 章浩(筑波大学 講師)

金森 章浩(筑波大学 講師)

膝前十字靭帯再建術の目的は膝関節の機能回復であるが、アスリートに関しては受傷前の競技レベルに復帰できるかどうかがさらに要求される。Laiらの調査では83%のエリートアスリートが競技レベルに復帰できたとのことである。しかし、この“Return to play”をいつどのように評価するかは、未だコンセンサスは得られていない。 現時点での“Return to play”評価は、膝の静的および動的安定性・膝周囲筋力・ジャンプなどの機能テスト・MRIでの画像評価が使用されている。この評価で問題なしとして復帰した選手の10-20%が再断裂するという現実をふまえて、現在の評価方法の問題点や復帰した選手の神経筋コントロールはどうなっているのかを今回のフォーラムで検討したいと考えている。

Orthopedic Up-To-Date for RTP『足』
倉 秀治(羊ヶ丘病院 院長)

倉 秀治(羊ヶ丘病院 院長)


We have many foot and ankle troubles in athletes. In this session, I focused on chronic lateral ankle ligaments injury. Anatomical reconstruction is essential to restore stability and range of motion both of ankle and subtalar joints for long term. Modified Brostrom procedure is gold standard, if the ATFL is preserved with good quality. In these cases, Brostrom or modified Brostrom procedure is applied by open or arthroscopic technique. Arthroscopic repair is less invasive surgery; athletes get benefit of smaller incision and less pain. However, it takes same time as open procedure until to return to play. In the cases which Brostom technique is not indicated, free tendon graft technique is applied. The advantage of this technique is that more accurate anatomical reconstruction of the ATFL and CFL is possible. Generally it takes longer time to return to play in this procedure compare to Brostrom technique. Recently this procedure is also performed by arthroscopic or percutaneous technique. The acceleration for return to the sports activities is expected by less invasive surgery, but we still have only small evidence about that.




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